
A Blog for Digital Media Artwork by Geno D.!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Inked Cast of Fairy Tale Characters

The Boy Who Cried "Alien", altercation of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Fairy Tale Cast of Characters

Location for Novel

A primary location or point of interest in my novel. Took a few tries to create an island structure, but the most difficult part was trying to add life to it (buildings, factory, docks, etc.)

Vehicle Designs for Novel

The names aren't really important. Just model numbers / year made.

Cover Sketch Possibility

I've been writing a military science fiction novel for years. This is a possible cover sketch for the book itself. Never gave much thought to doing one up till now, hah.

Character Sketch (Personal Project)

 Some sketches of some characters I am working on for a personal project.